
Somerdale Educate Together Primary, part of Educate Together Academy Trust, are consulting on their proposed admission arrangements for the 2026-27 school year and beyond.


This public consultation is to ensure all ETAT schools are operating to the same admissions criteria, in accordance with our equality principles in addition to complying with the Admissions Code 2014 requirement for consultation when changes are proposed. The Trust believe the new policy, presented in this consultation, provides fair access to our schools and clarifies the Trust’s position without making significant changes to our existing policy.


Included in the consultation are parents and families at the school, staff and the Local Governing Board, parents at local nurseries and surrounding schools. Swindon Borough Council will also be invited to comment.


The consultation opened on Monday 2nd December 2024 and will run until 20th January 2025.


The Proposed Policy and a Statement of Changes can be found here:

Somerdale Admissions Policy Consultation November 2024

Admissions Consultation Statement of Changes

You are invited to submit comments to the consultation which is available here:



You may submit responses in writing to:

Lauren Ball

Business Support Assistant

c/o Redfield Educate Together Primary

Avonvale Road


BS5 9RH 

Or alternatively you can e-mail comments to:


Following the consultation period, the Trust Board and Local Governing Board will consider all comments received in determining the admission arrangements for 2026 and make a decision by 28 February 2025.


The final policy and Consultation report will be available on the school website from 1st March 2025.

Applications for September 2025 will be open shortly. The deadline for applications is midnight, January 15th 2025.

If the reception class is oversubscribed, places at the school will be allocated following our admissions policy.

Please contact the B&NES Admission Team on 01225 394312 or call us on 0117 3790888 if you have any further questions.

Further information can be found on the B&NES Website

Please see here for:

Admissions Appeal Timetable


In Year Admissions

Please contact Amy, our School Administrator to enquire about a space and complete an application form.  All applications for In-Year Admission will be handled within 14 working, school days. Where spaces are not available your child’s name will be placed on a waiting list, which operates in accordance with our Admissions over-subscription criteria.